On April 23rd we held an IOCT research seminar in which the findings for the "A Million Penguins" research project were presented. Jess has
blogged about it and the PDF of the report is now up on the
IOCT research project site http://www.ioct.dmu.ac.uk/projects/millionpenguinsanalysis.html
The crux of the presentation was an analysis of "
A Million Penguins" as a carnival in the
Bakhtinian sense. Rather than thinking about the site as a "failed" novel, I think it makes far more sense to look at how the various users (and those who set it up) tried, not always successfully, to transliterate notions of authoring, wiki behaviour, editing and publishing within the setting. In this respect, the wiki novel is more like something out of the folk tradition. Instead of stories shifting and changing as they are transmitted over generations, in "A Million Penguins," plots, motifs and characters shift and change over hours as you track them through the edit history of the wiki.
As Simon Perril noted in a question, the texts and performances in a carnival are often quite conservative and formulaic and this reliance on formula allied to attempts at transliteracy probably help explain the types of text we see there.
For a fuller explanation, please check out the report or leave a comment. We also intend to publish papers that go into detail about some of the subjects arising from the project and will point them out on this blog as they happen so watch this space.
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