The Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2, recently launched on the web, is an anthology of works by an international group of authors "that pushes through the boundaries of literary forms, creating new kinds of experiences for interacting readers." Published by the Electronic Literature Organisation, and edited by Laura Borràs, Talan Memmott, Rita Raley, and Brian Kim Stefans, Volume 2 picks up where the first volume, ELC1, left off.
The new collection includes 63 works drawn from (and extending beyond):Like ELC1, the collection can be browsed by author, title, or keyword. ELC2 speaks to both the continuity as well as the bright future of electronic literature. The works include many of the emerging categories of e-lit: mash-ups, geolocative, codework, as well as “traditional” and evolving forms such as hypertext, chatbots, and interactive fiction. The authors list presents readers with both veterans and newcomers to the field.
- Countries: Austria, Australia, Catalonia, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Israel, The Netherlands, Portugal, Peru, Spain, UK, US
- Languages: Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
- Formats: Flash, Processing, Java, JavaScript, Inform, HTML, C++
Contributors to this TRG blog, Kate Pullinger and Christine Wilks, are amongst the authors represented in the collection. ELC2 is also available on DVD for free on request from the ELO.
ELC2 is published under a Creative Commons license, which means the collection can be freely shared, non-commercially, between individuals, libraries, and schools, provided that appropriate attribution is maintained and the works are unmodified.